Request Old School Songs
Looking for a song?
At OldNaija, one of our commitments is to make local and old school Nigerian songs of all genres available to our users. Therefore, you can request or suggest local and old school songs that you can’t find on our website, and we will upload it as soon as possible, be it gospel, highlife, juju, afrobeat, apala, fuji, waka, sakara, ijala, afropop, reggae and more.
Use the comment section below to request/suggest a song.
Type the name of the artist and the song title in the comment box. If you don’t know both the song title and artist, you can drop a notable line from the song’s lyrics.
NOTE – Before you request or suggest a song, we recommend that you use the search feature on our website to check if the song is already available in our repository. Thank you!
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onye uwa egbula onweya sir friday maduka his ekwe super sound international
I am requesting for this gospel song “If you have a problem you don’t know what to do,remember you have a father in heaven just pick your telephone and dial to the number J.E.S.U.S
Do you know the name of the artist?
Segun adewale -iri aye-
I am requesting for this artist songs ODOLAYE AREMU
Ogundabede by ayinla omowura
Ogundabede by ayinla omowura