Advertise On OldNaija

Advertise on OldNaija to extend the reach of your products and services. We have the traffic and audience you want!

Advertising on OldNaija will help you expand the reach of your product and business to your target audience.

We currently have 600,000 monthly pageviews mainly from Nigeria, USA, United Kingdom and other parts of the world.


Publish a sponsored article or review of your product, brand, or service which will include permanent do-follow link(s).


28 x 90–Leaderboard, 300 x 250–Medium Rectangle, 160 x 600–Skyscraper, 300 x 50–Mobile Ads Banner, etc.


We will promote your product, brand or service across our social media platforms reaching over 300,000 active users.

Contact us with the form below.

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