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How Prophet Daniel Abodunrin Was Torn Apart By Lions at UI Zoo in 1991

Prophet Daniel Abodunrin's corpse
Prophet Daniel Abodunrin’s corpse

Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state, is the third-largest city in Nigeria after Lagos and Kano. The city is popularly known for its rich and fascinating history, culture and amazing tourist destinations. One of the most visited tourist destinations in Ibadan is the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden which was established in 1948. It is home to a wide array of animals comprising mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians.

On a fateful day in 1991, visitors stormed the University of Ibadan zoo, as usual, to see the animals and enjoy the serene environment it provides. Of all the animals in the zoo, lions attract the highest number of visitors. It is said that a visit to the UI zoo without seeing the lions is incomplete.

As aforementioned, on that day, everybody was at the zoo to have a nice time seeing the animals except a man, a bold and daring prophet named Daniel Abodunrin who was on a different mission. The prophet wanted to show people the “work of God of Daniel” by walking right into the lions’ cage to pet them like Daniel did in the bible without getting mauled.

Prophet Daniel Abodunrin’s intention was to recreate the biblical story of Daniel who out of envy was thrown to lions that have been mysteriously tamed by God. The biblical story has it that God sent down angels to shut the mouths of the lions.

A determined Prophet Daniel Abodunrin walked up to some staff members of the zoo and requested to gain entry into the lions’ cage. No one in his/her right senses will grant such a request, so the prophet was turned down, but after much disturbance and persuasion, the prophet’s insane wish was granted. Another account has it that he sneaked into the lions’ cage without the staff’s consent. Whether he sneaked in or not, one thing is certain, the prophet found his way into the cage.

Those at the scene could not believe their eyes. Realizing it was not a dream, they prepared their mind for the worst. Prophet Daniel Abodunrin was clothed in a red robe and had a big Bible under his armpit. As he entered the lions’ cage, he began to recite Bible verses and speak in tongues.

Illustration showing Biblical Daniel in Lions' den
Illustration showing biblical Daniel in Lions’ den

OldNaija gathered that he called unto the “God of Daniel” to perform wonders. He was shouting “Jah, Jah, Jah”, a shortened form of Jehovah. At first, the lions retreated to a corner of their cage. Unknown to the prophet, Lions are likely to retreat at first when they see something unusual in their territory and later, they get rid of it.

Prophet Daniel Abodunrin thought his faith was really working; that the God of Daniel was performing wonders. He then moved nearer to the lions as he kept chanting bible verses. Then in a flash, the lions pounced on the bemused, confused and horrified prophet. A cold stream of shock ran down the spines of the terrified onlookers.

Prophet Daniel Abodunrin battled for his dear life but his strength was no match for the hefty lions and in a moment, he was torn apart and eaten. His bloody red robe laid in shreds and his bible which he had flung away at the beginning of the attack was covered in dust.


People took to their heels after seeing such a horrible sight they will never forget for the rest of their lives. The prophet’s remains were collected and later buried. That was how Prophet Daniel Abodunrin met his bitter and horrible end.

Many people condemned the prophet for his silly action while others believed the lions were possessed by demons stronger than the prophet and demanded that they should be killed. What do you think?

Thanks for reading, OldNaija.com


  1. Omipidan, T. O. (2019, July 14). Top 5 Places To Spend And Enjoy Your Day In Ibadan. OldNaija. https://oldnaija.com/2019/11/23/top-5-places-to-spend-and-enjoy-your-day-in-ibadan/
  2. UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. (n.d.). UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN. https://www.ui.edu.ng/UIZoologygarden
  3. Omipidan, T. O. (2019, December 29). The Original History Of Ibadan – City Of Brown Roofs. OldNaija. https://oldnaija.com/2019/04/10/the-history-of-ibadan-the-city-of-heroes/

Cite this article as: Teslim Omipidan. (April 15, 2021). How Prophet Daniel Abodunrin Was Torn Apart By Lions at UI Zoo in 1991. OldNaija. Retrieved from https://oldnaija.com/2021/04/15/how-prophet-daniel-abodunrin-was-torn-apart-by-lions-at-u-i-zoo-in-1991/

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  1. He suffered from the menace of zeal without knowledge and His act was not prompted by God rather it was out of self glorification. May His soul rest in peace and not as His body had rested in pieces

  2. you guys are really doing a wonderful job. I don’t comment that much but I read a lot of articles from here. I just want to tell you guys well done. even though we don’t comment, we still read and appreciate

  3. Whao! I just got the story as narrated to me few years back. I hope no one else will be as stupid as he is to dare a German hybrid dog not to talk of lions.

  4. Can I get a post on a brief outline of all the empires of Africa in the Pre-colonial era pls???

  5. The fact that we are living by His Grace does not give us the impetus to tempt or abuse the grace. God’s anointed one can never beg to perform miracle…it just happen according to the direction of Holy spirit. I must confess! This blog is more of a higher institution than entertainment. Carry the good work and you will be rewarded heavily by God if not man. Thanks.

  6. The fact that we are living by His Grace does not give us the impetus to tempt or abuse the grace. God’s anointed one can never beg to perform miracle…it just happen according to the direction of Holy spirit. I must confess! This blog is more of a higher institution than entertainment. Carry on with the good work and you will be rewarded heavily by God if not man. T

  7. it was so wonderful.what i think is that he was there to test God or given HIM tryer may be HE still have power like those days in the Bible nd no one can put God to test.may God help us.keep the good work @oldnaija God strengthen you

  8. Hahaha…..pride goes before a fall,he forgot that Daniel was thrown into the den out of jealousy and not at his own will.may God have mercy on him sha.he lacked understanding.

  9. The man messed up his one time anointing by fooling himself in testing God of wonders. However, I was told the lions were killed. How true is that Mr. Teslim. THANKS

    1. Hello, Beejay. Thanks for your comment.

      Many sources claimed that the lions were killed, some said they were transferred for treatment or something like that, however, these sources are not trusted and so we didn’t include that part because we don’t publish what we aren’t sure of.

      We will resume our research on this incident as we will be visiting the U. I. Zoological Garden sooner and we’ll surely keep you abreast.

      Thanks for visiting, Beejay. Kindly do check back and speaking of checking back, you can simply subscribe to our mailing list to get notified of new posts. Have a wonderful day.

  10. It’s horrible,he died a painful death but, a lesson for an ignorant man who carried out his things without the Holy Spirit’s instruct.

    1. It was indeed a lesson learnt in a hard way. I am sure other prophets like him would have learnt from his fate with the big cat. Thanks for your visit, Oluwaseun. Kindly do check back and speaking of checking back, you can subscribe to our mailing list to get our latest updates and exclusive contents.

  11. The lion was subsequently killed and skinned since it became man-eating and was displaced during University of Ibadan’s 50th anniversary. I was 12 years when it happened and read it in Weekend Concord newspaper then.

  12. We all know that the worst enemy of a man is ego. That the same ego had lured him into embarking on such act to show how wonderful God could be to his servants unknown to him that God Almighty is always coming for those who lack ego. Ego and over confidence caused his death.

  13. Why would anyone in a good mental condition try to perform miracles with an unchained Lion, to worsen the matter he went to the Lion’s territory, it was just a display of stupidity.

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