Nigeria Current Affairs

List of Radio Stations in Benue State

Below is a detailed list showing the radio stations in Benue State and it’s capital, Makurdi. Frequency and location included.

Radio Station | Frequency | Location

* FRCN Harvest FM | 103.5 | Makurdi, Benue State
* Radio Benue | 95.0 FM Band | Makurdi, Benue State
* Joy FM | 96.5 | Otukpo, Benue State
* Ashi Wave FM | 99.9 | Katsina-ala, Benue State
* Benue State University, BSU FM | 89.9 | Makurdi, Benue State
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Cite this article as: Teslim Omipidan. (February 4, 2018). List of Radio Stations in Benue State. OldNaija. Retrieved from

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